10xDS Virtual Healthcare Solution to transform care delivery
With the surge in cases of COVID-19, the healthcare industry faced some serious challenges in managing the entire hospital system, from triaging patients into emergency care to facing heavy shortage of healthcare workers when they were needed the most. Some people were reluctant to go to hospitals due to the rapid spread of the virus. In such a scenario, to provide better care to patients, hospitals worldwide started adopting virtual treatment approaches which helps in avoiding physical in-person visits and interactions between patients and health providers.
10xDS developed a Virtual Healthcare solution to deliver a hassle-free virtual experience for the patients. The solution allows hospital administration to create, customize and manage the doctor schedule and appointment bookings seamlessly. Through the M365 Patient Portal patients can register, book appointments, have easy access to their doctors, medical records, order lab tests and medicines. Patients can upload all their medical records, prescriptions, images, vital counts to the portal and access it anytime, from anywhere. This also allows doctors or clinic administrators to manage their schedule, check appointments, have an overview of all their patient’s profiles and provide real-time diagnoses.
The Chatbot assistant which is linked to the portal connects with the Patients immediately by giving instant messages regarding medical conditions, symptoms, causes, and complications. It can also recommend the appropriate type of doctor to treat an illness. The chatbot allows the patients/ visitors to have seamless communication (24*7) and clear their queries without any delay.
The healthcare dashboard collects all the data and reports in a single system. It can generate the appointment trends, appointment distribution, payment analysis, doctor working hours and much more. It automatically collects the data and prepares the report, which reduces the time consumed in manual reports.
It is important to note that the demand for virtual healthcare has increased drastically, where patients enjoy greater convenience, doctors experience more flexible schedules and improved access to patients’ information and health leaders can lower medical expenses and boost operational efficiency.