10xDS Automated Velocity Model Building process for a leading Petroleum Exploration Company in Middle East
10xDS delivered an automated solution for Velocity Model Building process for a leading petroleum exploration and production company in the Middle East. Velocity modelling integrates measured seismic velocities, depth imaged seismic data, oil well velocity information and interprets structural information into a calibrated velocity model.
Client faced the challenge of handling multiple applications across Windows and Linux platforms. The Velocity Building Process is a lengthy process having several sequential execution activities that require robust exception handling. The process was highly time-consuming and manual, leading to wastage of the quality time of domain experts. The process inefficiency also resulted in the lack of time for qualitative analysis of data.
10xDS developed an optimized process with well-structured Process Design Documents (PDD) to reduce the development time and to enable faster deployment. The automated solution was designed to have a seamless flow of activities and information across Windows and Linux platforms.
The solution helps business users to provide inputs for the BOTs. The solution enabled the domain experts with data analytics and qualitative data, and they could finally channelize their efforts to activities that require their expertise. There is significant improvement in the outcomes/predictions as the process can be run with different inputs. These predictions help to plan the next drilling processes more accurately.