10xDS proud to champion the Data Privacy Week – January 24-28, 2022
Data Privacy Week is an annual campaign to spread awareness about data privacy and educate organizations and individuals on how to secure their personal information. It also works to encourage businesses to respect privacy and be more transparent about how they collect, store, and use data. This year, Data Privacy Week 2022 highlights the value of information and how to “Keep It Private” and “Respect Privacy”.
Consumers worldwide are becoming increasingly concerned about data privacy. Here are few key steps for consumers to manage their personal information and make informed decisions.
1. Privacy vs Convenience tradeoff
It’s very important to analyze and make informed decisions on whether you should be sharing the personal information an application or website is asking for and weigh it against the benefits you would be getting in return. Be wary of apps that ask access to information that is not required or relevant for their services. Remove unused apps and keep secure and update the ones you are using.
2. Manage your privacy
While setting up an account or when you have decided to use an app, always check the privacy and security settings on web services and apps to control and limit how and with whom you share information.
3. Protect your data
Keep your data secure by setting long unique passwords and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible to protect sensitive data.
Here are some useful steps for organizations to respect consumers’ privacy:
1. Assessment of data collection practices
Organizations should conduct an honest assessment of their data collection practices. It’s important to understand the global or local privacy laws and regulations relevant to your business. Ensure that the personal information is collected only for legitimate and relevant purposes, and they are kept safe from unauthorized access.
2. Adopting Privacy framework
Organizations can adopt standard privacy frameworks to manage risk, build and create a culture of privacy.
3. Educating employees
It is important for organizations to educate the employees of their obligations to protect personal information. Educate employees on the organization’s privacy policy and culture by conducting regular sessions and during the onboarding process.
10xDS has also joined this campaign to promote awareness of privacy and personal data protection. We believe, better security and privacy practices at home and work help protect personal data from unauthorized access. Cybersecurity and data privacy experts at 10xDS conduct regular sessions on data privacy and best practices for our team to keep personal information safe from inappropriate and unauthorized access.
10xDS is proud to be a champion for the Data Privacy Week!