Bahrain’s Digital Government Strategy to unlock digital transformation for public and private sectors
The Government of Bahrain has always stood at the forefront in the deployment of advanced technologies for the benefit of citizens, residents, and businesses. The government is actively executing steps to promote digital transformation in the public and private sectors.
To achieve the objective of transforming Bahrain’s public and private sectors, the government has undertaken two initiatives namely, The Digital Government Strategy 2022 and the Government Action Plan.
The strategic digital initiatives are being monitored by the Ministerial Committee for Information Technology and Communication along with the support of the National ICT Governance Committee.
The core initiatives of the government’s digital transformation journey include:
- Digitalizing the activities involved in public services to deliver real-time benefits to users through any device.
- Assistance to be provided by Government Service Centre to the customers who lack digital knowledge by offering end-to-end digital services to avoid paper works.
- The Government of Bahrain has signed an agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to use advanced technologies like Big Data Analysis to perfectly predict and take smarter decisions for various projects.
- They have also introduced an Open Data Portal to provide all the official data required for the citizens by making it transparent for investors and businesses.
The Digital Government Policies initiated by the Bahrain Government seek to achieve transparency, openness and inclusiveness in government operations, and thereby implementing digital transformation in all the public and private sectors. Some of the most important initiatives include: Sijilat (Commercial Registration Portal), National taxation system, National Social Health Insurance program, Financial Support system and many more.
We Help Businesses and Industries in Bahrain Drive Digital Transformation
Digital transformation can pave way for massive opportunities for businesses in various industries in Bahrain. It can help drive better outcomes in terms of employee engagement, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, ROI and more. Driving digital transformations in enterprises can create value in more than one way as emerging technologies like Hyperautomation, Intelligent Automation, Advanced Analytics and AI can be an incentive to public sector enterprises.
We at 10xDS offer comprehensive digital transformation services and strategies to help you prepare and properly align your business with Bahrain’s Digital Government Strategy 2022. 10xDS digital transformation solutions are developed and designed to provide deep industry insights and take your business to new heights.