Automation to drive ESG and Sustainability in Bahrain Banks
Sustainability being one of the three guiding principles of Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030, government finances will adhere to the principle of sustainability, upholding a stable and forward-looking system. As a result, there is a greater emphasis on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) principles for banks, as well as increased awareness for contribution bankers to make broader goals by providing green financing. Banks are attempting to speed up digitalization and go paperless in offices and branches with ESG as the core topic (physical spaces). Account Opening Form, Deposit Slip, Loan Agreement, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Card Request, Account Upgrade, and Transfer Request Form Workflow Automation are only a few of the related initiatives. As part of these endeavours, 10xDS is collaborating with a group of banks in Bahrain using Microsoft Power Platforms. Workflow automation is made easier and cost-effecive using Microsoft Power Platforms.