Automation for PO, GRN Notification Process

Automation for PO, GRN Notification Process

Automation for PO, GRN Notification Process

10xDS delivered an automated solution for processing Purchase Orders and Goods Receipt Note for a leading brand providing specialized services to Oil & Gas companies in the Middle East. The process, streamlined with minimal human intervention, automated the retrieval of the documents from the customer portal based on an email notification trigger and efficiently notified relevant parties. User had to manually download the documents from the customer portal and distribute them to the relevant stakeholders. This process was time-consuming and prone to errors. Also, manual handling often led to delays in informing concerned parties about new Purchase Orders or Goods Receipt Notes, impacting response times. The automated solution monitors designated email inboxes for incoming notifications and the portal for new purchase orders and goods receipt notes and downloads the documents, identifies the concerned personnel, and sends the documents, as necessary. BOT also saves the documents in a designated folder for easy access and retrieval. The risk of human errors was reduced by 90% and the BOT could handle a single document in less than 5 seconds.

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