Yellow Messenger Conversation AI Platform

Conversational AI Platform

Build rich conversational experiences with

We help automate customer and employee engagement for global customers leveraging’s advanced Conversational AI Platform.

10xDS and Partnership

Exponential Digital Solutions (10xDS) is partnering with to deliver chatbot solutions and conversational experiences for clients worldwide. Both 10xDS and  works across a diverse spectrum of industries harnessing emerging technologies like AI, Advanced Analytics, Intelligent Automation, among others. With this partnership, 10xDS further strengthened its portfolio of services to streamline processes, enhance customer experience and build more efficient and intelligent enterprises. logo
10xDS RPA Logo

About is a leading emerging technologies company helping enterprises automate intelligent conversations with customers and employees.’s proprietary technology, conversational AI-powered Platform, enables seamless orchestration between bots, applications and humans. The platform enables rich conversational experiences with the enterprise-ready implementation for HR, Sales and Marketing, Customer Support and ITSM functions across industries. The company specializes in conversational artificial intelligence, customer engagement, customer service, chatbots, among others.

10xDS Services leveraging Conversational AI Platform

Leveraging’s Platform, 10xDS offers cutting-edge chatbot solutions to automate engagements, enable quick responses that feel authentically human, in core business processes. The solutions offer multiple-language support to connect, converse and convert customers with Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities.

WhatsApp Automation

Automate WhatsApp for Business accounts using the platform to enable instant engagement with leads and prospects, send critical notifications and more.

Customer Support

Streamline customer engagements and drive greater efficiency at every stage of customer lifecycle using customer support assistant chatbots.

Customer Engagement

Empower Sales and Marketing by enabling leads capture, cross-sell and up-sell, smart promotions, product discovery, reminder scheduling and much more.

Employee Engagement

Enhance employee work experience, engage, and retain employees from onboarding to on-going processes.

Enterprise Automation

Enabling chatbot solutions across industries for a range of functions such as ITSM, Supply Chain, Procurement and Finance automation, among others using proprietary platform. These solutions help in improving cost savings, enhancing user experience, better incident management, problem resolution & more.