Celebrating Linen Anniversary of 10xDS

celebrating 4th anniversary of 10xds

Celebrating Linen Anniversary of 10xDS

Celebrating Linen Anniversary of 10xDS

Date(s) - 01/11/2020 - 30/11/2020
All Day

CEO’s Message

We are going through challenging times and seeing deeper impact of COVID 19 pandemic on our lives and on global economy. This doesn’t mean that life comes to a standstill but we march forward though with a sense of uneasiness.

Festivities have reduced but the pandemic is not dimming our celebrations. As 10xDS is celebrating its linen anniversary, let’s celebrate our togetherness. Let’s build a world where we give more to the society around us – more employment, rewarding work environment, exceptional service to our customers and better return on investment to our user community.
I want to thank all our employees, partners and clients from the bottom of my heart during our linen anniversary. You are valuable.

Happy 4th birthday 10xDS.

Stay safe.


Binu Koshy

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