10xDS Call Centre Analytics Solution to help Customer Care Centers improve Operational Efficiency
10xDS Call Centre Analytics Solution leverages advanced analytics capabilities to mine typical call centre data logs to improve operational efficiency. With this solution you can leap ahead and analyse the current data metrics in the call centre to automatically map out strategies which can maximize efficiency and optimize expenses. The solution transforms log data into actionable insights. Some of its salient features include Dashboards portraying key KPIs (Total number of callers, average callers per day, total talk time in hours, average talk time, average waiting time in minutes and more), Monthly and Hourly analysis (Dashboards with hourly analysis on the number of calls, connection efficiency, average bounce rate, and more), Caller segmentation, Connection Efficiency Analysis (Analyse Total calls received, connected, connected without bounce and more), Interrelated trends and patterns Analysis, and Operational managers planning dashboard for key insights into connection efficiency to map out workforce allocation strategies.