Automation for Access Control Metric Review Process
10xDS successfully delivered an Access Control Management solution concept that automates the Access Control Metric Review Process for a leading Media Industry brand in the Middle East, that would enable them to precisely track and manage the access of users to various applications. The manual access control process led to inefficiencies, errors, and delays in granting correct permissions. The absence of a centralized and automated system made tracking access control changes difficult, leading to security risks and non-compliance. There were also delays from multiple stakeholders for approvals. The new application allows each user to have a personalized experience tailored to their specific roles and responsibilities. It enables role-based access control, ensuring that users can only perform actions relevant to their designated roles. This helped in reviewing all users, roles, and statuses, ensuring transparent decision-making and monitoring the overall progress. With the automated app, a streamlined process with automated workflow was enabled with user-friendly interfaces to reduce manual efforts. Automated notifications keep all relevant parties informed about task initiation, updates, and completions.